Bespoke vs Mass Produced Furniture

Finding the right piece, in the right size, in the right tone, with the right elements, can be down right tough. And can leave a bare space in your home for longer than you intended and never being quite finished or quite right.

 While buying either a custom pieces or a mass produced piece can be beautiful and exclusive. The exclusivity is in the process not the design.

 As a designer and maker, I am moved by a desire for authenticity and pieces genuinely inspired by the maker. I like knowing the hands that touched it, the history, the story and the soul of a piece.

I encourage everyone to find artists and craftsmen that resonate with you. Get involved in the process and create something fresher and more alive.

 A home is more than a place to rest your heads. Beautiful objects have the ability to transform. Your home is the best representation of who you are, what you like and how you live.

So my passion is to help you LIVE CREATIVELY!

xx Andrea